Top 10 things women look for in a Man

29th May, 2023

Top 10 things women look for in a Man

1. Eyes

First and foremost, a woman naturally takes her cues from an acute understanding of body language. This includes the emotions displayed in a man’s eyes. Typically, if a man makes eye contact, he is earnest about his feelings for her. However, a woman can also determine a man’s motives if his eyes reveal false intentions.

2. Humor

Humor keeps dating light, fresh, and fun. Moreover, laughter is the glue for any long-lasting relationship. If a man can appeal to a woman’s sense of humor, he is a keeper.

3. Hygiene

Pheromones have much to do with attraction, but cologne also has much to do with sniffing out a mate. Women look for men with an appreciation for hygiene. A little bit of rugged stubble can make style seem effortless, but if you want to make a lasting impression, go the extra mile and shower. 

4. Financial Security

Since the dawn of time, women have instinctually sought after men who can act as protectors and providers. In our modern, civilized era, this protection and provision translate to money. If a man has a fat wallet, he is a good catch. 

5. Confidence

Confidence is sexy. Women are drawn to confident men like flies to flypaper, even if it means he is a little cocky jerk. However, being overconfident can be a turn-off; a man should maintain a balance between well-placed confidence and underlying humility because, after all, nobody’s perfect. 

6. Class

High-class women like high-class men. Score points by opening doors, surprise outings, flowers without occasion, and unsolicited compliments. 

7. Physique

Women understand that not every guy can be a hardbody – especially when office hours and lunch meetings dictate his busy schedule. However, there’s no denying that ladies like a bit of muscle or, at the very least, some sculpting. Thirty minutes three times a week can make a difference under a woman’s fingertips. 

8. Intelligence

Any self-respecting woman prefers a well-educated gentleman to a Cretin. Take classes, read the newspaper, and speak in full sentences. Taking the role of teacher to a younger woman is a definite turn-on. 

9. Generosity

A girl knows a man is a keeper when she is showered with gifts. This demonstrates a man’s ability to provide but does so in a way that shows his personal interest in seeing his girl satisfied and happy. Uncouth presents that speak to her unique interests are best as they show that he has been paying attention.

10. Romance

Treating a woman well is an art. However, romance has recently and unfortunately, become outmoded. When a woman discovers that chivalry is not yet dead, she melts inside and will do anything to stay astride her White Knight’s valiant steed. 

How to make yourself more appealing to women

To enhance your appeal to women, it's essential to focus on developing a genuine and confident presence. While text alone cannot capture all aspects of attraction, here are some ways to make yourself more appealing through your words:

  • Be authentic: Be true to yourself and avoid trying to be someone you're not. Genuine authenticity is attractive and helps build trust and connection.
  • Display confidence: Confidence can be attractive, so express yourself with self-assuredness. Use positive language and convey a belief in your abilities and qualities.
  • Show kindness and respect: Treat others, including women, with kindness, respect, and empathy. Avoid disrespectful language or behavior, as it can quickly turn people away.
  • Develop a sense of humor: A good sense of humour is often appreciated and can help create a fun and enjoyable interaction. Use light-hearted jokes, clever banter, or witty remarks to engage and create a positive vibe.
  • Be a good listener: Show genuine interest in what women have to say. Give them your full attention, ask thoughtful questions, and respond attentively. Active listening demonstrates that you value their thoughts and opinions.
  • Share your passions and interests: Discuss your hobbies, passions, and interests in a way that conveys enthusiasm. It can spark conversations and allow women to get to know you better.
  • Cultivate good communication skills: Practice effective communication by being clear, concise, and respectful. Avoid excessive slang or jargon that may hinder understanding.
  • Display ambition and drive: Show that you have goals and ambitions in life. Women are often attracted to individuals who have a sense of purpose and are actively working towards their aspirations.
  • Maintain good hygiene and grooming: While this doesn't directly relate to text, ensuring that you present yourself well in person can significantly enhance your overall appeal. Taking care of your physical appearance shows self-respect and attention to detail.
  • Be patient and understanding: Building connections takes time and effort. Avoid rushing or pressuring women. Instead, show patience, understanding, and the willingness to develop a meaningful connection.

Remember, it's crucial to treat women as individuals with their own preferences and interests. The key is to be yourself, focus on personal growth, and develop strong interpersonal skills that can help you form genuine connections.