The Most Dangerous & Safest Countries For Women

18th June, 2023

The Most Dangerous Countries For Women

Discover the top 10 countries where women face significant dangers and challenges. Based on a survey conducted by the Thomson Reuters Foundation, experts ranked these nations according to various factors impacting women's safety, including violence, healthcare access, economic resources, cultural practices, and human trafficking.


India holds the unfortunate distinction of being the most dangerous country for women in several areas. Despite national outrage and government commitments to address the issue, sexual violence, harassment, cultural practices, and human trafficking remain significant risks for women.


Years after the overthrow of the Taliban, Afghanistan still struggles with dire problems affecting women's lives. Non-sexual violence, limited healthcare access, and economic resources pose major challenges in the country.


Amidst a prolonged civil war, Syria ranks third on the list. The country faces challenges in healthcare access, non-sexual violence, and the risks associated with conflict-related violence and domestic abuse. It shares the third position with the United States concerning the risks of sexual abuse.


With a history of conflict since 1991, Somalia ranks fourth due to limited healthcare access and risks associated with harmful cultural practices. Women in Somalia also face challenges in terms of economic resources.


While overall fifth on the list, Saudi Arabia is particularly concerned when it comes to economic access, discrimination, and risks associated with cultural and religious practices. Workplace discrimination and limited property rights contribute to the challenges faced by women in the country.


Pakistan ranks as the sixth most dangerous country for women, with significant issues related to economic resources, discrimination, and risks from cultural, religious, and traditional practices, including honor killings. Non-sexual violence, including domestic abuse, is also a concern.


Listed as the seventh most dangerous country, the Democratic Republic of Congo faces significant challenges due to sexual violence and ongoing factional conflicts. Millions of people suffer from dire living conditions, and the country ranks poorly on several other factors affecting women's safety.


Yemen ranks eighth on the list, with limited access to healthcare, economic resources, and risks associated with cultural and traditional practices. The country is currently grappling with a severe humanitarian crisis affecting millions of people.


Ranked ninth, Nigeria faces accusations of human rights abuses, including torture, rape, and civilian killings during the fight against Boko Haram militants. The country is also a significant concern regarding human trafficking and traditional practices affecting women.


As the only Western nation in the top 10, the United States shares the third position with Syria in terms of the risks women face concerning sexual violence. The survey coincided with the viral #MeToo campaign, which shed light on widespread sexual harassment and abuse. The United States also faces challenges related to access to justice in rape cases.


The Safest Countries For Women

For female travelers, safety is a paramount concern when choosing their destinations, often requiring careful consideration before embarking on solo journeys. Recognizing this need, travel site WayAway conducted an extensive study of over 200 cities worldwide to identify the top 30 safest cities for solo female travelers. 

For female travelers, safety is a paramount concern when choosing their destinations, often requiring careful consideration before embarking on solo journeys. Recognizing this need, travel site WayAway conducted an extensive study of over 200 cities worldwide to identify the top 30 safest cities for solo female travelers. 

By consulting locals, analyzing safety reports from multiple sources, and considering independent safety rankings, WayAway compiled a list to assist women in planning their travels with peace of mind. Janis Dzenis, Head of PR and Communications at WayAway, highlights the significance of addressing women's safety concerns, not only from a moral standpoint but also as an economic opportunity for destinations and travel providers to attract and retain a sizable audience.

  • Reykjavik, Iceland: Unsurprisingly, Iceland's breathtaking capital, Reykjavik, claims the top spot as the safest city for solo female travelers. Known for its stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and low crime rates, Reykjavik offers a welcoming environment for women exploring the city independently.
  • San Juan, Puerto Rico: In the second place, San Juan in Puerto Rico shines as a sunny and secure destination for solo female travelers. Its blend of historic charm, beautiful beaches, and a strong community focus on safety make it an appealing choice for women seeking a delightful adventure.
  • Budapest, Hungary: Ranked as the third safest city, Budapest showcases a rich blend of history, culture, and architectural wonders. Female travelers can enjoy exploring its stunning landmarks, soaking in thermal baths, and indulging in the vibrant nightlife with peace of mind.
  • Tokyo, Japan: Renowned for its cleanliness and efficient transportation system, Tokyo secures the fourth spot on the list. The city's safe streets, reliable infrastructure, and exceptional hospitality make it an excellent choice for solo female travelers looking to immerse themselves in Japanese culture.
  • Zurich, Switzerland: Zurich, a global hub of finance and culture, guarantees a safe and sophisticated experience for solo female travelers. With its meticulously maintained streets, efficient public transportation, and stunning lakeside setting, Zurich provides a sense of security and tranquility.
  • Copenhagen, Denmark: Denmark's capital, Copenhagen, earns its place as the sixth safest city for solo female travelers. Known for its bicycle-friendly streets, progressive attitudes, and a strong emphasis on equality, Copenhagen offers a relaxed and secure atmosphere for exploration.
  • Helsinki, Finland: Helsinki, the vibrant Finnish capital, secures the seventh spot on the list. Renowned for its design, architecture, and pristine natural beauty, the city boasts low crime rates and a well-connected public transport system, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for female travelers.
  • Stockholm, Sweden: With its blend of medieval charm and contemporary style, Stockholm ranks as the eighth safest city. Its picturesque streets, efficient public transportation, and gender equality initiatives contribute to a welcoming environment for solo female travelers.
  • Oslo, Norway: Oslo, the capital of Norway, is renowned for its stunning fjords, vibrant arts scene, and high living standards. As the ninth safest city on the list, Oslo provides a secure setting for women to explore its cultural attractions, including museums, parks, and historic landmarks.
  • Wellington, New Zealand: Claiming the tenth spot, Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand, offers a safe and vibrant atmosphere for solo female travelers. With its friendly locals, stunning waterfront, and thriving arts and culinary scenes, Wellington invites women to embrace adventure with peace of mind.

For solo female travelers, safety is a top priority when choosing their destinations. WayAway's comprehensive study provides valuable insights into the top 30 safest cities worldwide, enabling women to explore new horizons confidently. These cities offer not only security but also diverse cultural experiences, scenic landscapes, and warm hospitality, ensuring memorable journeys for adventurous women travelers.