Porn Addiction - Everything You need to Know: Part 1

16th May, 2023

Stages of Porn Addiction

Naturally, every person has a different mindset, so what may be an addiction to one may not have any impact on the other. Similarly, porn addiction does not work equally for everyone.

However, experts have identified different stages of porn addiction: early exposure, addiction, escalation, desensitization, and acting out.

The first stage of porn addiction is early exposure. Most people happen to go by porn when they were at a young age. It left a permanent shadow on their minds. However, in this stage pornography just knocks at the door of your mind.

The next step is addiction. You have already opened the door and introduced porn into your mind. Though you may be disgusted with the images or videos, they give you fun too.

In the next stage, you become more serious and engaged in porn. You do not find it disgusting anymore, rather it makes you excited and sexually aroused. You are now gradually becoming a victim of porn.

As you gradually reach the peak of your addiction, you become desensitized to pornography. You are not satisfied with what you have because it does not excite you anymore. All of your pornographic materials do not bring enough sexual excitement and there’s a feeling of desperation.

Becoming desperate, now you come out of your home and try to act out what you’ve seen in pornographic videos with a real woman. Raping or hiring prostitutes may be some of the options you take to satisfy your craving. Though this is the last stage of pornography, it is not the end.

Porn Addiction: What it is

As an anonymous friend hoping to give advice, here are my 2 cents on pornography: like most things, anything in excess is bad. The reality of things is that pornography is at the fingertips of anyone with access to a computer-which is practically the world over. The problem lies in the fact that people end up making pornography much worse than an occasional thing you feel you need to do. Some get obsessed. Actually, the term is really “addicted”. However bad it may sound, that is the truth. Some people are addicted to porn.

Getting addicted to anything starts with a first taste. For you, that was years and probably decades ago. You must wake up! An addiction to porn is not good for your health and well-being. You have other things you have to worry about, and not just yourself. Other people are now at stake with the things you do. Your work may suffer, which is a strain on your source of income. Your girlfriend or wife and kids will suffer too. You are there to support them, not use up your valuable time and effort just on yourself.

The great thing about this is that getting off a porn addiction is totally possible. All you have to do is take the first step and be serious about it. You will find how wonderful and liberating it is to be able to have a clear conscience and positive outlook on everything. Use the resources you already have to make your journey easier and better. The Internet is used for everything, as you know. So, why not use it to find out how to get off a habit detrimental to your life? Check it out right now because there is no “I’ll quit tomorrow” if you are fighting an addiction. Be positive and everything will be alright.


How to Prevent the Masturbation Addiction

Masturbating is often described as an act of stimulating one's sexual organs to the point of achieving an orgasm. This act to some people might be good but for some, it is the exact opposite. Whether you’re a man or woman masturbation occurs regardless of age. To many people, masturbation can simply just be a source of relief from stress but it sometimes turns into a vice. The effect may lead to other actions such as practising unsafe sex or worse, rape. However, a lot of people also want to stop excessive masturbation but have difficulty doing so. 

This is where professional help and personal motivation come in. If you are on the road to recovery, then you are on the right path. It is useful to know masturbation in how it affects the brain entirely. Knowledge of the subject will be a useful tool in your transition phase to be free from the grips of masturbation. Go out, exercise, socialize, these may also be of aid by keeping you busy, thus thinking more. You might want to think of your well-being and how it affects your family and friends. If you stop thinking about yourself all the time and focus more on those who care about you, there’s a great possibility that you will see the bigger picture. You could also turn to God for help and guidance. Pray and ask for forgiveness, a higher being might just be the answer.


How to Curb Porn Addiction

Porn addiction is one of the worst types of addiction, and getting over it is never an easy task. To overcome porn addiction, you have to first acknowledge that porn addiction is a real problem that needs proper management. After that, you have to come up with a standard plan to overcome porn addiction. A standard plan is usually based on the following steps:

1. Acknowledgment of the problem. First, you have to perform a diagnosis. You need to find out whether you are actually a porn addict or not, and if you are a porn addict then what is the level of your addiction.

2. Identify your type of porn addiction. Porn addiction can be related to either online pornographic material or offline pornographic material. You need to know the sources that you use in your habit.

3. Establish barriers between yourself and the sources. If you have some porn movies on your PCs or on DVDs, first you got to get rid of them. Then you better install some third-party monitoring software or some parental filter that will stop you from watching porn online.

4. Replace your porn addiction with better habits. Start watching some good movies or going out with family members. Playing sports, doing exercises and spending time with your family members are ideal options to keep your brain working on something that is not porn.

5. Keeping a record of your porn-free days. Mark these days on your calendar and then try to make sure that you keep track of the dates when you did not indulge in porn.


Guiding Your Thoughts Away from Pornography

Your thoughts direct your actions. As the saying goes, “If you can think it, you can become it”. Applying this to pornography addiction, if you have the power to make the resolution to surmount the greatest of weaknesses, you surely have the capacity to channel your actions towards a positive and moral goal. Changes do not take place overnight. Time is the most precious entity consumed when accomplishing the objective of overcoming porn addiction. Therefore, on the line graph of life, you may face obstacles and hurdles but as long as the line is going upwards you can congratulate yourself on your progress.

When trying to overcome your porn addiction it is only natural that your mind will be bombarded with pornographic images and temptation will constantly entice you. You can’t just simply avoid your thoughts from spiralling towards pornography. Acknowledge the power of temptation, and then try to replace the temptation by doing different activities. For example, you can concoct your favourite snack or experiment with new ingredients to come up with a new recipe every time you feel the lustful urge of porn addiction. You can take a stroll outside and breathe in the fresh air and relish the sensation of being alive.

Instead of letting your addiction dominate your thoughts, try to tower above your immoral habit by schooling your brain to concentrate on positive thoughts and happier perspective about the future. You can achieve success by persevering with firmness in your struggle to overcome porn addiction.


Ways to Stop Masturbation

There are two sides to the story and defence of masturbation. One is pro-masturbation while the other stands against it. But, none of the two allows you to masturbate frequently. As over-eating harms the body, over-masturbation has negative effects on the body. So, if are a frequent masturbator, you must control it for your own sake.

Stopping or controlling frequent masturbation is not an easy task. Controlling it requires a lot of willing power, self-control, and determination. People generally masturbate when they have nothing to do. So, the first step to controlling is to keep oneself busy. If you have free time, find a hobby, play a sport, and go out with your friends more. You need to divert your mind from masturbating.

When you’re addicted, stopping cold turkey might be very difficult. Take baby steps, try reducing the number of times you masturbate. If in the past you would do it 21 times a week, reduce it to half then gradually reduce it till it comes to a realistic number. It is easy to say or to plan things, but the hardest part is to implement a plan even if you have all the material you need to do so. Remove all porn that may raise your sexual desires. Try to mix with more people and socialize. It might be best if you find a partner whom you can share sexual relations with. Sometimes professional help also works. In a nutshell, simply try your best to stop masturbation today; and tomorrow will be a better day.


Porn’s Effect on Relationship

Porn is an issue that needs to be immediately addressed. There is no such thing as positive effects of porn addiction because there is none. All you get is negativities, especially in real-world relationships. When you begin to live in a fantasy world, it’s time you do something.

Porn is mostly watched by men, especially those who do not have a partner. In one study, it was found that a single man watches porn 3 times a week for about 40 minutes, while a married man watches only 20 minutes 1.7 times a week. Sex is a physically demanding activity, but masturbation is even more demanding than sex. As the single man has no partner, he needs to masturbate and porn helps him do it. At this time, porn does not work any wrong. But when it becomes an addiction, it starts to show its dark sides.

An addicted person needs to watch more and more porn every day. It wastes a lot of time as well as cause some mental disturbances. It compels a person to close all doors to friends and just focus on spending time alone masturbating and watching porn. It destroys the ability of man to be sociable and make friends. Porn also changes man’s views towards women. He will only see a woman as a sex toy and something he can use to release his pent-up sexual desires. A porn-addicted person makes a new imaginary world, leaving the real world behind and the people with it. This obviously makes a lot of relationships crack and ultimately, breaks it apart.

Eliminating Pornography From Your Life

Pornography addiction is known to have terrible effects on the social lives of all human beings. The types of sexual activities depicted in pornography are usually very humiliating, extreme and disgraceful for women. This results in the introduction of negative doctrines about sexuality among teenage boys and girls. Similarly, pornography addiction in adults changes one’s view about sexuality and gives way to negative sexual trends like homosexuality and orgies. A significant number of studies have declared that pornography addiction is one of the major causes of increasing incidences of rape among teens. In addition, gang rapes, sexual violations and child abuse have strong links with porn addiction. All this makes it so important to know the importance of eliminating pornography from our day-to-day life.

Pornography addiction also brings some long-lasting and grim effects on the life of the porn addict himself. A pornography addict becomes dependent on porn for sexual gratification. In extreme cases, one may become unable to achieve an orgasm without watching porn. This has drastic effects on the family life of a person. He or she may start losing interest in normal sexual intimacy with his or her partner. This can become the root of many complications in a relationship. All these behavioural changes associated with pornography addiction can affect your whole life.

All the above-mentioned facts emphasize the importance of eliminating pornography from society. Strong determination and the recognition of social norms combined with persistence are mandatory to eliminate pornography from any society to its fullest extent.


Effective Ways to Break Porn Addiction

Having a porn addiction really takes its toll on a lot of people making them suffer from the bad things that this addiction gives them. If you have a porn addiction, then it would be wise for you to stop this immediately before it destroys your life. There are many effective ways to break porn addiction for people who are willing to be porn fee.

A person suffering from porn addiction can start breaking the habit by removing all the pornographic materials that can tempt him into thinking and doing porno acts. This will help you become positive-minded rather than negative-minded, which does not bring anything good in your life. Another effective way can be asking for help from the people you trust and love. You can also pray for the guidance and help of God. With this, you can feel refreshed and blessed to live your life in a fulfilling way. The love of the people around you can also be a great motivational tool to make the process of eliminating pornography much easier. If at some point you might feel down and tempted again, never give up and give in. This will surely be a test for you as you go into the process of being porn free. These are just some of the effective ways that can certainly make a good point in your life. This will help you grow as a person and be happy indeed, giving you the freedom from pornography which you truly deserve.


Knowing the Causes of Porn Addiction

In modern times pornography has become a culture that is not regarded positively. There are many reasons behind it. Addiction to pornography may be developed in one’s character from his childhood. The environment where a child is growing up may be responsible for it. If the child is growing up in a quarrelsome family and the child always sees the parents unhappy, there is a possibility that the child might turn to pornography or other vices for that matter.

Naturally, everyone needs sex and sex is one of the primary reasons why people marry or live together. But, when a child is growing up in such a family, there is the likelihood that the child will not develop good constructive relationships. The child may turn to pornography to fulfil his sexual desires. Living in a family with rigid rules may be another cause of pornography addiction. From an early age, the child is already restricted in activities. And while going through adolescence, the repressed state of his or her mind bursts. The easiest way of getting sexual pleasure is pornography.

Feelings of abandonment may also lead him to pornography. If the child gets the feeling that he is basically a bad or unworthy person, he may find his pleasure in sex as well as pornography. Sexual abuse in childhood may be another reason for pornography addiction. Thus the heinous root of pornography addiction may be planted in one’s brain in his or her childhood. As time passes and the child becomes old enough, the type of sexual act out may evolve. Now he can involve in promiscuity, affairs, visiting massage parlours or prostitutes, and even viewing child pornography.

Pornography’s Billion-Dollar Industry

The vast expense and profit of the pornography business have made them a running and unstoppable industry in our planet. Their discretely great demand has turned the porn business into a billion-dollar industry. Recently, the world's annual sales of porn reached $57 million. This great number is not a question because almost 800 million copies of sexual and erotic materials are distributed, either through purchases or rentals.

The far-reaching influence of the internet has garnered a staggering number of new porn addicts because it openly promotes pornography. Statistics show that about 12 per cent of all the websites on the internet are pornographic websites. More and more individuals are using the internet to view porn materials. Now, the most important question is, would you allow yourself to be part of this great number who will somehow become addicts?

Society has repeatedly witnessed the myriad issues and problems brought about by pornography addiction. Violence towards women and children became rampant these days because of the influence of pornography towards perverts and criminal-minded individuals. The rise in rape and harassment cases is traced back to pornography and the immoral sexual acts that it portrays in photos and videos. Violence, especially in marital relationships, becomes more enhanced because of pornography. It also eliminates the value of emotions and feelings and focuses more on the pleasure brought by the sexual act.

These myriad problems are the reason why countries like Russia are forbidding the distribution of these explicit materials. Many groups and agencies are providing programs and services dealing with overcoming pornography. Start overcoming pornography within yourself by learning to control one’s actions before you seek outside help.


Counselling: The Most Effective Tool to Stop Pornography Addiction

Obsessive use of pornographic images and videos and heavy reliance on pornography to satisfy sexual cravings can be defined as pornography addiction. A person trying to overcome this addiction can seek professional counselling to help him stand on his own two feet instead of depending on fantasy.

Engaging in counselling services can be life-building and life-saving for both the patient and his family, as any obsessive behaviour tends to become destructive and harmful to one’s health. This counselling involves face-to-face talks, email chats, and/or phone calls with a therapist. Counteractive measures for overcoming porn addiction are discussed and tried out. Implementation begins soon after the therapy, and the patient is asked to report all behavioural responses to the therapy.

Counsellors devise innovative ways to handle anxiety and depression that are experienced at the onset of quitting porn. The patient’s lifestyle, attitude, habits, and sometimes even the environment are changed and reshaped. This is essential in negating porn temptations and keeping them at bay. Positive feelings are nurtured in the patient and with it the desire to live a better and purer life. Counselling can also save a dissolving marriage or relationship. When the patient has the yearning to become a better human being, he might be surprised to find so many well-wishers around him.

Counselling helps the patient to overcome his restless and careless behaviour and to embrace his responsibilities. He slowly becomes a better father and a great husband. However, counselling is only helpful to people who have the strongest willpower and desire to overcome their pornography addiction at all costs.


How to Quit Porn Using Mental Techniques

There are quite a large number of ways that people with porn addiction can overcome it. Many people are now searching for ways how to quit porn that they can certainly benefit from.

Pornography is more influenced by the state of mind rather than the physical aspects. What we see and hear influences us more than the things we feel. This is also true in overcoming a pornography problem. If we can learn how to control our thoughts then we can certainly know how to stop pornography from influencing our mental state of mind. Using mental techniques, we can block out certain thoughts of porn. This might be a tough task to do but it is certainly doable because our mind is the most powerful tool to combat porn addiction. It is just like thinking of other things aside from porn and concentrating on it until you totally forget about pornography. It is one great way to stop and quit porn with little or no stress at all.

Another thing that goes with the power of the mind is learning how to control our emotions. This is one of the contributing factors that can lead us to think of porn and return to our nasty vices. We need to take control of our emotions and not let it get the best of us.

Most of all, we need to believe in ourselves and be convinced that we can do this. It might be a great step to control our thoughts and emotions but it is certainly one great way to quit porn. Always make an effort to free your mind from negative feelings and thoughts, and instead fill it with happy thoughts. You can be sure that your emotions will certainly follow.


Pornography Realization and Acceptance: Putting a Stop to the Addiction

Porn has been a great part of one’s life, especially those in the puberty stage. However, the numbers have risen for other age groups as well. The big problem with the person involved in porn is not the fact that he or she is doing it or into it. The majority of it lies in that person’s ability to realize and even accept the fact that he or she is into porn. You may know a neighbour, a friend, or even a family member that watches pornographic movies, masturbates, or can’t let a day go by without having a sexual encounter with someone or something.

These people we know may not have realized that they have already had porn rooted deeply in their daily life. It would be easy for them to deny it when you confront them. Putting these points in simple matters, you will see that they already have established these as routines. They need not think of doing it or remember to do it; they simply do it because their mind and body have already gotten used to doing it that frequently, during a certain day and time. There are even cases when these people don’t get to do other things without getting a taste of a pornographic act. These are the cases when their daily responsibilities and normal way of living get affected already.

You may begin to have doubts about the above-mentioned statements; but sad to say, they are true. The next half of the above-mentioned problem is that these people cannot move on with their lives until they get to realize that they are already hooked. Once they get through that, they would need to accept it. This is basically the only way to move on. No matter how many people are willing to help out or how many solutions are available in order to help someone who’s hooked on pornography, as long as they do not get to realize and accept that they are hooked, all is lost.


Four Basic Steps to Ending Pornography Addiction

Getting rid of pornography addiction is a difficult task. You may find several people around you who have made multiple attempts to rid themselves of the addiction but have all landed back in the same place, watching porn again, after perhaps a short break. There are four basic steps that can help you in getting rid of pornography addiction. You must set these four steps as your benchmark for your cure.

1. Acknowledge that you are addicted: The first reaction of someone with pornography addiction is often to deny the fact completely that they are addicted to porn. If you want to tackle the problem, you will first have to acknowledge the nature and severity of the problem.

2. Consider it wrong: If you want to get rid of pornography addiction, then you will have to stop making excuses and recognize it as a wrongful act. You will never get the motivation you need to quit unless you believe that what you are doing is ethically and socially wrong.

3. Stop blaming others: You cannot blame your addiction on excuses like “The girls are so seductive” or “my wife is not affectionate enough so I have to masturbate”, or other similar excuses. It’s better if you accept the reality and start thinking about tackling it yourself.

4. Be accountable: Most of the time, pornography addiction is associated with shame. You can make good use of that shame to start avoiding pornography and saving yourself.

Porn: A Need or Want?

The last time I checked, a man’s basic needs did not include porn. If this is so, how come there are individuals who find it so difficult to let go of pornographic activities? Can’t they live without it? This is a question whose answer would vary depending on the individual’s priorities, upbringing, disciplines and principles, as well as way of life. However, if you take a general perspective with regard to the above-mentioned question, it is easy to conclude that this is not a need. Porn can be categorized as a want. If you say that something is a need, without it, the chances of existence are lost. But if it is considered a want then existence is still possible. This is perhaps something that has to do with how a person would prioritize the things in his or her life.

If one indulges in such activities for quite some time, he or she begins to see the act as a need rather than just a want. He or she begins to get used to doing such activities that when the time comes that he or she does not get to do it, things begin to feel different-as if something is missing. Nothing was actually missing you just made it up to rationalize your addiction. Getting used to something would fall under gratifications rather than sources for existence or survival. Our bodies did not get used to food or water and air. It simply needs them to continue to survive.