A Positive Body Image - You Deserve It!

16th May, 2023

Positive Body Image

Body image is so much more than how beautiful we are, what we look, and how attractive we are to others. Consider body image to be how we look at ourselves from the inside out, including everything we are on the inside—thoughts, behaviour, feelings, sensations, awareness, and judgments.

A positive body image is more than skin deep. It goes way below the surface and not only influences how we see ourselves but also affects our self-esteem, behaviour and psyche. Interactions with others are one way we develop a positive body image.

Self-esteem is a measure of how much you like and respect yourself. How do you measure up when it comes to the way you look? How confident are you that you will accomplish your goals? How do you measure how much you feel loved? What do you think of yourself as a person? How do you measure up? Is your glass half-empty or half-full?

If you do not like how you look or are constantly trying to change what you look like to look like someone else, your sense of who you are becomes distorted and unhealthy. Problems start to appear in other areas of our lives, and we wonder what happened.

If you see yourself as a positive, confident, and sexy woman, then most likely, the rest of the world will see you that way too. It does not matter what you look like, but when you take care of yourself, you will love and feel great about who you are. It is a wonderful feeling to look at yourself and know that you are the best of who you are, all because you take the time and make an effort to look good.

The way that you see yourself affects every single area of your life. When you like yourself and who you are, you will find that you have a better time when you like others too. When your capacity to love yourself is high, your capacity to love others is high. High self-esteem makes for a happy life, especially when you do not allow others to define who you are.

The Media's Ideas

The media has a strong hold on our perception of our body image, so much so that when we look at ourselves in the mirror, we wish we were someone else. It can cause us to hate our bodies. We are constantly inundated by photos of beautiful, thin women, which have distorted our concept of people and what they look like naturally, without all the hype. We feel insecure as if we always have to measure up to the women we see in the magazines, on billboards, and on TV.

Where do we start to make the necessary changes? We can start by looking at where we have acquired our image of ourselves. Do we look at fashion magazines and wish we looked like her? Do you realize that you might be able to look like her only if you could somehow magically airbrush a few inches off your waist and thighs? If we are victims of these misrepresentations of beauty, we need to get out a new tape measure and find some different criteria with which to measure ourselves.

Redefine Yourself

Start redefining yourself right now. Every time you look at yourself in the mirror, smile at yourself, wink your eye, and decide to like yourself because of who you are deep inside. No one can ever take that away from you unless you give it to them.

We often give our self-esteem away to others on a silver platter and then wonder why they haven’t taken care of it for us. Take care of yourself, and learn to be a positive, loving person towards yourself first so that you will have much more to give to someone else when the time arrives.

Start by patting yourself on the back every time you do something good. Give yourself credit where credit is due. Acknowledge the good things inside of you, and accept them instead of turning around and looking in the other direction as if you did not know they were there.

Stop waiting around for the rest of the world to notice who you are, and get out there and share who you are with the rest of the world. Stop trying to find your happiness in places where it does not exist, and start looking in the only place where it can exist, which is inside yourself.

A Place to Start

We all need a little help with how we view ourselves. Sometimes we end up with an attitude that we are just not good enough. We lose a realistic sense of who we are and how we feel. We must learn to stop measuring our esteem compared to the next person.

Why is it so important to maintain a positive body image of ourselves? Counsellors and psychologists agree that a negative body image is directly related to our self-esteem. If we negatively perceive our bodies, we will feel negative about our whole selves. How about if we start with what feels good to us? Never mind what looks good for now. That can come later.

Taking Care of Your Body

There is a difference between caring for your body and always trying to change it. When a person is confident, positive, and takes care of themself, a healthy body image is more likely to emerge, as well as a high level of self-esteem. This paves the way for a better outlook on life, and we can better express ourselves, be confident in what we do, have a better vision of who we are, and know our purpose in life.

Besides all that, a well-taken-care-of-body looks, feels, and acts a lot sexier than a person who only brushes their teeth once a month, whether they need it or not.  Ugh! Ugh!!!

Having a positive body image of yourself is something that every person should strive to understand on their grounds and with their criteria. If you are used to fitting into your clothes, which have been getting tight lately, listen, and be aware of what is happening to your body. If you feel much better about yourself when you care for your skin properly, eat correctly, and exercise, then pay attention to what your body is saying.

The "O" Word?

Do you feel like your energy just isn't what it used to be, or you only need a good night's sleep, and then you'll feel better? Or maybe you feel the "O" word (old)? (Old is one of those words I do not use, especially when talking about my age.)

As you age, your supply of Human Growth Hormone diminishes, so your body starts to fall apart bit by bit. I don't mean that one morning you will wake up and find your foot on the floor (on the other side of the room), I mean that one morning you wake up, and you can't seem to get out of bed because you are so tired. It doesn't help that you can't sleep at night, your brain is foggy, or the weight you have put on through the years is holding you down.

OK. So what is Human Growth Hormone (HGH)? Human Growth Hormone is one of several endocrine hormones, like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA, that decline in production as we age. So, of course, you feel the "O" word. HGH may reverse many of the effects of ageing. "Researchers have proven that increasing growth hormone levels can reverse the biological effects of aging by as much as 10 to 15 years." Pretty impressive, huh?

Except that every day, your body produces less and less of this very important hormone, so by the time you are 40 years old, your body is only producing 40% of what you produced when you were 20. Oh no! That's the reason why you feel your numbers. Is there anything you can do about it? Yes, there is. And it's completely natural!


Start a regular exercise program, and you will be amazed at how much better you feel about yourself and how much better your body feels to you. Sometimes it is hard to exercise regularly, and sometimes it is even harder to get to the gym regularly. Boost your motivation to exercise. Just listen to this exercise motivation program on your headset when you go to sleep at night, and before you know it, you will want to start every morning with the getup and go that exercising amazingly provides. A little help and support can go a long way and helps keep you on the track to regular exercise.

I am a Firm Believer in exercise videos. I have been making the time to do them on a semi-regular basis for the past 15 years. I know the benefits they provide, not only to my body but also to the way I feel about myself. When I get in one of those moods or am too busy to exercise, I can feel my back start to hurt, and my energy level and attitude go downhill. I certainly feel the difference when I get too busy to exercise regularly. When I pick it back up again, I am so glad I did and could kick myself in the butt for being too busy or lazy.

It helps if you have a goal in mind before you start. I just got three new Firm DVDs with the new Firm Box as a gift (I asked for it). My goal is to be able to follow and keep up with the young girls who are master instructors demonstrating the moves. I want to lift the maximum weight right along with them. I want to do this with all three DVDs when I go to Hawaii and lose 15 pounds. I cannot let my sisters (or anyone else) look better than me on the beach. Now that's motivation!

I highly recommend the entire series of Firm Videos. The videos incorporate weights along with aerobics. There are many different kinds of workouts, so you can vary them occasionally, target different areas, and change the amount of time you spend each day. Some programs include everything you need to start a new exercise program that guarantees results in 10 days. Once you get started, it is easy to begin adding weights to maximize your exercise routine.

I cannot express how important exercise is in maintaining a sexually healthy body. If you want to be able to try out any new sexual position that your mind can create for you, then physical fitness is at the top of my list.

What About the Outside?

Hopefully, we have dealt with our positive body image on the inside, but what about the outside? Beauty is about taking care of yourself, which is a sign of self-respect, not a mark of vanity. I know that I feel better when I take care of myself. Not only does that mean that I exercise and take my vitamins every day, but I notice what I look like on the outside and what it feels like. Let’s start at the top.


Hair is usually a woman's crowning glory, which is why many women spend a lot of money caring for it. If you are having a "bad hair" day, it also affects the rest of you.

Do you need a trim or a whole new hairstyle? How about some new colours? That always works wonders for dull, lifeless hair. I was surprised at how my view of myself changed when I changed my hair colour. Instead of my dull mousy brown roots growing above my broken-off blonde highlights, I now have hair that gets compliments, looks healthy, and feels great.

I always wanted burgundy hair (my favourite colour) but was too shy to try it out. I figured I would be stuck with it if I didn’t like it. It turns out that I like it, and I am glad that I let go of my inhibitions to try something new.

I used to get my partner or daughter to help dye it, but now I feel confident enough to do it myself. It is quite easy, especially if you have thin hair like I do. Remember to wear an old T-shirt you don’t mind getting a little dye on.

Let your fingers be your eyes. Just because you can’t see the back of your head doesn’t mean you will miss a spot. Your fingers will be able to ensure that the dye gets spread around enough and that your entire scalp will be covered. Then you continue to apply the dye to the rest of your hair.

Make sure your fingers can feel that every strand of your hair is wet. Make sure you get the edges real good, then wet a washcloth and remove the dye that may have gotten on your face, the back of your neck and your ears. Follow the directions on the package, remember to keep track of the time, and to rinse well. HINT: Hair dye stops working after a certain period, so don't freak out if you get caught up in something and lose track of time. It is also a good idea to use a shampoo and conditioner made for dyed hair. It helps your hair keep its vibrant colour.

Face and Skin

I cannot stress this enough. TAKE CARE OF YOUR SKIN. I never realized the importance of taking off my skin until I got older and started looking at myself in the mirror again. I used to live on a farm up in the hills of the Okanogan Valley, and looking at myself in the mirror was not something I did every night before I went to bed. I was lucky if I remembered to wash my face.

Now that I am older (not the O word), I realize that my face would be much better if I had cared for my skin. It is never too soon or too late to start caring for yourself. I found a great product that works wonders on my wrinkles, and at 52 years young, I certainly have my share of them.

Through the years, since I migrated to town from the hills, I have tried several types of skin programs, but I would change them every time I ran out and had to purchase more. I was not satisfied with the results. I was not expecting miracles, but I did want to notice some change, at least.

Then I came across Hydroderm. I sent for a free sample and have been using it ever since. I noticed that the texture of my skin changed within a few days. My skin felt like it was being hydrated instead of "lotioned." I could see the creases and lines in my face filling in, and my skin obtained a healthy glow.

What is Hydroderm? A Collagen Infusion Delivery System™ delivers collagen directly to the skin without painful injections. The results will amaze you.

This is what Dr Babik Azzizzadeh, a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, says about Hydroderm’s amazing ability to fight the signs of ageing. “I’m so enthusiastic to recommend Hydroderm. It not only works, but it works in the right way. Unlike other skin creams, Hydroderm doesn’t offer temporary ‘alternatives’ to collagen.”

It works! But you don’t have to take my word for it.

I also found a tool professionals use to help rejuvenate, lift and tighten your skin. I started using the Oxy Light system a few months ago and can see the difference. My skin is damaged from years of sun worship, and I was happy to find something that would bring back a more vibrant appearance and restore more youthful energy to my skin. I can give myself a facelift daily and not even go to a spa. I think it works great with the Hydroderm serum mentioned previously.


How many women have struggled with their make-up and do not know where to turn? I wore minimal makeup when I was younger, maybe just some mascara and blush. Then when I started living in the hills, I did not wear any make-up for over 15 years. When I came back out into society, I started to wear make-up again because I wanted to feel like I looked good. I did not know what I was doing, but I managed to struggle to figure it out.

There are so many types of make-up these days. Some are probably really bad for you because of the chemicals used in them. But then again, quite a few companies make cosmetics from natural and sometimes all-organic ingredients. I would try out the natural cosmetic companies first. You never really know if that eyeliner stuff that gets stuck in the corner of your eye will make you blind someday.

To Shave or Not to Shave?

Do you like the look and feel of smooth, silky, soft, touchable skin? Who doesn’t? (Men who like hairy women). How many times a week do you shave your legs and armpits to maintain that highly sensual feeling of smoothness? How about your bikini line? Does unwanted body hair creep out of your bathing suit at the most inopportune time and cause embarrassment?

Has your lover ever emerged from oral sex with curly pubic hair on his tongue that he can’t quite get a hold of, and you are left on the verge of one of the best orgasms you have had since yesterday? (Hopefully, they should all be the best orgasms).

Maybe that is the reason why some men like shaved vaginas. No fear of swallowing pubic hair. If you have never experienced a shaven vagina, then by all means, at least try it once. You might start feeling like a little girl again, but after a while, your full-blown sexuality will overcome that feeling while you experience the sensations of your new smooth skin.

Have you ever given your partner an erotic back massage while sitting on their butt~naked? If your vaginal area is smoothly shaven, and you use olive oil as a lubricant to help you slide your hands up and down his back and butt, you will find that your clitoris slides very well, situated on the crest of your lover’s ass. A shaven pussy can be an erotic experience, and body parts slide much smoother when clean-shaven.

In Conclusion

having a positive body image is crucial to living a happy and fulfilled life. It's essential to remember that your worth and value do not depend on your appearance or what others may expect you to look like. What truly matters is how you feel in your skin and the confidence you radiate from within.

It's easy to fall prey to societal pressures and unrealistic beauty standards, but it's essential to prioritize your well-being and embrace your unique qualities. Strive to surround yourself with positivity and people who uplift and support you.

Practice self-love and self-care regularly, including treating your body with kindness and nourishing it with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Remember that our bodies are constantly changing, and embracing those changes as a natural part of life is okay.

With time and patience, you can build a positive body image and cultivate a deep sense of self-love and acceptance. Embrace your unique qualities, and don't be afraid to express yourself confidently and authentically. Remember, you are beautiful and worthy just the way you are.