The Link between Frequent Orgasms and Better Health

4th June, 2023

According to a groundbreaking study by Harvard University, men who experience 21 or more orgasms in a month may significantly reduce their risk of prostate cancer by 33%. The research indicates a strong association between higher rates of masturbation and a lower incidence of prostate cancer.

Over the course of 18 years, a comprehensive survey was conducted involving 31,925 men. Participants were questioned about their frequency of self-stimulation, and their health status was monitored to identify instances of prostate cancer. The study evaluated data from two-time points: one during their twenties and another in their forties.

While previous studies have hinted at the potential benefits of regular orgasms for prostate health, this study stands out for establishing a specifically recommended quota for solo sexual activity. Although the precise mechanisms behind the positive impact of orgasms on overall health remain uncertain, it is believed that ejaculation aids in the removal of toxins and bacteria that accumulate in the prostate.

It's important to note that self-pleasure is not the only avenue for reaping these health benefits. According to Ian Kerner, Ph.D., there is no significant difference between achieving ejaculation through masturbation or with a partner. Therefore, prioritizing sexual activity can also be beneficial.

Beyond the prostate-cleansing effect, regular orgasms offer additional advantages, including pleasure and relaxation. Engaging in self-care and using masturbation as a healthy coping mechanism can help regulate anxiety.

However, it's crucial to understand that simply reaching the recommended threshold of 21+ orgasms per month does not guarantee complete protection against prostate cancer. A holistic approach includes a nutritious diet comprising organic produce, sufficient sleep, stress management, regular physical activity, and exercise. Kerner suggests incorporating a plant-based diet, consuming fish high in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, and including red foods like tomatoes (rich in lycopene) and soy products (containing isoflavones). Regular medical check-ups, including prostate exams, are essential for optimal prostate health.

Improve your well-being by embracing a healthy lifestyle that combines sexual satisfaction with other key factors that promote overall health and prostate cancer prevention.