The Male Commitment-Phobe

28th April, 2023

The Male Commitment-Phobe

Is the man you’re dating having a hard time committing himself to you in one way or another? Does he work long hours and never has time? Is he still connected by an umbilical cord to his mother? Is he having difficulties pledging to mutual activities within a time frame of 24 hours? Are you dating for six months and you still haven’t met his friends? Does he disappear immediately after you had sex?
If you answered yes to one of the above it is very likely that you are in a relationship with a Commitmentphobe, a term that was first used in Sex And The City and means someone who has fear of commitment.
The typical Commitmentphobe can’t institutionalize the dual relationship, and he’s even terrified of intimacy. Those of us who are cautious can detect the Commitmentphobe from miles away and would stay away from him like the plague, the others who don’t usually discern the Commitmentphobe are attracted to him like a bee to honey.
So who is this man and how can we recognize him? How can we beware of him? And why in the hell we attractive to him?
Here are few classical profiles of The Commitmentphobe:

All In The Family or He Who Hates his Parent's Relationship

This man lives in a constant anxiety of ending up like one of his parents, or ending in a relationship resembling to theirs. He fell victim to tensions and battles at home. Some of these victims would say this is what happened to my parents but I’m going to make sure it wouldn’t happen to me. And other victims would say, this is what happened to my parents and it will happen to me.
The second type is mostly right because family do tend to create recurring behavior patterns. He who can’t see himself in the same light or afraid that his spouse will attack him the same way that his mother attacked his father, would be careful not to enter into a “dangerous” situation.
A man that hates his mother will hate women but it’s not necessarily turns him into a homosexual. The hate could result from fear because his mother was domineering and aggressive. This kind of man would prefer to be in an uncommitted relationship so he could run away whenever he wants. He’s afraid of making past mistakes and would try not to be there when it happens. This type of man can stay in the same relationship for years without institutionalizing it.

He Who Is Married To His Mother

The heart of this type of man belongs to his mother. No one can take he place and give him the same level of love, warmth and care. He can go “play outside” but in the end he has to come back to his mother, the woman whom he shares a symbiotic relationship. He must not develop an intimate relationship with anyone and he must not depart from his parents.
The psychoanalytic theory is the importance of our relationships in an early age and how it affects us as adults. In such relationships, the bond with the nuclear family is so strong that there’s no place for anyone else because it would heart mother of father.

Keep Dreaming Or He who Suffers from the Ex Syndrome
Sometimes the Ex serves the Commitmentphobe in a narcissistic level. It’s the place he runs to, where he enjoys remembering who good he felt and how much he was loved. While embracing the memories of the Ex, the Commitmentphobe completely ignores the fact that if their relationship was so good, the Ex shouldn’t have been Ex.
He ignores the problems they had in their relationship that prevented it from going forward. The minute that woman became the Ex, the one they adored and like to compare to, she also becomes the obstacle for future relationships. The Unforgettable Ex placed an unbeatable standard. The man believes that no other woman could be better than the Ex, makes the new woman feel inferior by keeping comparing her to what he had before. A woman that stays in such relationship wants to prove herself she can break the Ex Complex.

The Workaholic

A man that is married to his work, knows his value so he gets and gives empathy at work. It’s like he feels orgasm from the stress and excitement at work. When he finally comes back home, he has no energy for another person. The last thing he wants to hear is his girlfriend (that he might love very much) complains about the fact that they barely see each other and that they have no communication and that she wants to be more involved in his life.
This type of man experience his fears at work and deals with them there, so when he comes back home he has no needs to talk about it again. Talking about it again would make him feel the same fears again, he’ll probably dismiss the conversation by saying “I don’t want to talk about it” This type of man prefers that his woman would know nothing about him.

The Perfectionist

This type of man afraid that commitment means taking responsibility for making the relationship work. He has no Ex complexes. The woman he’s dating is the perfect one. It’s very important to him that everything would be amazing and flawless. He fears arguments, tensions and, god forbidden, that his spouse has manners that he dislikes. This kind of man will run for the hills the minute he finds some “defect” in his girlfriend or if she disagrees with him.