"Hey, No Rose Petals Down There! 😅: Why Scenting Your Vajayjay is a Fragrant Fiasco"

2nd July, 2023

Ladies, I beg of you, step away from the vagina perfume! Your foofaraw does not need to smell like a wildflower meadow! Believe it or not, it doesn't appreciate being marinated in Chanel No.5.

Vagina perfumes are like square watermelons - they exist, but who needs them? 💁‍♀️🍉🤷‍♀️

"Beep Beep! 🚫 Wrong Spot for a Fragrance Spot!"

If you're out to dazzle on a date night, don't let your enthusiasm extend to spritzing your lady parts with a tantalising touch of Tahitian Vanilla. Avoid the alluring aisle of vaginal sprays and perfumes, and ignore their enticing names like "Garden of Eden" or "Spring Blossom Delight". Your precious peach has its own aroma, and it's absolutely okay.

"Hot Tip! 🔥 Your Vagina Smell Might Just be an Aphrodisiac 💖"

Those tantalising scents that waft from down under might get your partner more amped up than you'd think. Thanks to pheromones, your natural scent is more alluring than any concocted perfume.

"Gynaecologist Speaks: The Vagina is a No-Fragrance Zone! 🚫🌹"

We roped in Dr Aruna Kalra, an acclaimed gynecologist, to spill the beans. She pleads with us, saying, "A normal vagina doesn’t smell like a rose garden, and there’s no need to transform it into one."

You see, your vagina is like a microcosmic rainforest, teeming with beneficial bacteria that maintain a delicate acidic balance, essential to its health. It's not all rainbows and butterflies though. The so-called "vagina perfumes" are more like an alien invasion, obliterating the helpful bacteria and disturbing the fragile pH balance.

"Beware of the Invasion of Bad Bacteria and Yeast! 👾🍞"

When you meddle with your lady parts’ natural environment, you risk an uprising of harmful bacteria and yeast. Ever endured a yeast infection? We're talking itchy and inflamed, and that's not a party you want to be invited to!

And let’s not even get started on scented pads, washes, and other fragrance-enriched products that are supposed to make your private parts smell like a fresh load of laundry. Just say no!

"From Farm to Vagina: You Are What You Eat 🥦🍓🍆"

Here's the real tea: What you eat affects not just your weight, but also your vagina. A healthy, clean diet can keep your love muffin from developing a not-so-lovely smell.

"Your Vagina: The Self-Cleaning Oven 🧹🚿"

Remember that your little friend down there doesn't need your constant interference. It knows how to handle its business and can clean itself like a boss. All you need to do is give it a gentle wash with lukewarm water.

However, if you notice any significant changes in smell or experience discomfort, make sure to consult a doctor. 🩺👩‍⚕️

So, let's remember, ladies: Your vagina deserves respect, not a heavy dose of Dior! 😉 Give it the space it needs to be its fabulous, self-cleaning self. 🌟🌺

"It’s Okay, My Vagina Isn’t Dirty, It’s Distinctive 💁‍♀️👑"

Does your vagina have a scent that's uniquely its own? Perfect, it's supposed to! No need to hide it under layers of artificial aromas. Embrace the eau de you. It's a natural, primal signal of your individuality, not a red flag that you forgot to shower.

"Exercise With a Side Order of... Vagina Scent? 🏋️‍♀️💦"

Another fun fact to share at your next brunch - did you know that working up a sweat during a killer workout can give your vagina a unique post-exercise aroma? Don't be alarmed! It's not your body telling you to hit the showers (although, you might need one anyway after that spinning class!). It's merely a sign of your body doing its thing, flushing out toxins and maintaining your overall health.

"Doctor's Orders: When to Check In 🩺👩‍⚕️"

Dr Kalra cautions us that if you detect a distinct, sudden change in your vaginal odour, or if it gets too strong, it's time to book an appointment. It might be your body's way of signalling that something's not right, and you need a medical professional to help you decode it.

"Vaginas Unite: Embrace Your Scent 👭🌸"

So, to all my lovely ladies out there, it's time to let your vaginas breathe and bask in their natural glory! Make peace with your peach, cherish your cherry, and for heaven's sake, give your girl the freedom she needs to just be. 😊

So remember, the next time you are tempted to make your vagina smell like a flower, opt for a bouquet instead. And, when in doubt, always consult a doctor. We're all in this together! 🥰🌼🌹🌻👭