How Many Calories Does Sex Burn? Plus Our Top Burning Tips

26th May, 2023

How Many Calories Does Sex Burn?

Engaging in physical activity before sexual intercourse increases arousal and maximizes calorie burn. While sex may not be as intensive as a vigorous workout, it offers a range of health benefits. This article delves into the research on calorie expenditure during sex, provides tips on burning more calories, and highlights the advantages of a healthy sex life.

Section 1: How Many Calories Does Sex Burn?

Studies have indicated that the number of calories burned during sex varies based on weight, duration of sex, and individual characteristics. According to a 2013 study comparing the calorie burn of sexual activity to running on a treadmill, men burned an average of 101 calories during sex (4.2 calories per minute), while women burned around 69 calories (3.2 calories per minute). It's important to note that these figures are averages and can differ among individuals.

Section 2: Tips for Burning More Calories During Sex

To increase calorie burn during sexual activity, specific strategies can be employed:

Take charge and get on top: The person in the dominant position generally expends more energy, resulting in higher calorie burn. Alternating roles with your partner can also help both individuals benefit from increased movement.

Extend the duration: While this may be easier said than done, prolonging the sexual session can burn more calories. However, it's crucial to prioritize enjoyment and pleasure over calorie burn.

Explore different positions: Although changing positions may not significantly increase calorie expenditure, trying out new positions that require more strength or flexibility, such as standing positions or the wheelbarrow, can offer a slight boost.

Exercise beforehand: Engaging in physical activity before sex not only increases calorie burn but also enhances arousal. Consider incorporating exercise into your foreplay routine for an added calorie-burning experience.

Section 3: The Comprehensive Benefits of Sex

While calorie burn during sex may not be as substantial as a workout, a healthy sex life provides numerous physical and mental health benefits, including:

  • Stress and anxiety reduction
  • Mood elevation and increased self-confidence
  • Boost in libido or sex drive
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Enhanced immune function
  • Pain relief
  • Reduced risk of prostate cancer in men
  • Strengthened pelvic floor muscles in women.


Physical activity before sex can enhance arousal and increase overall calorie burn. While the calorie expenditure during sex may not be as significant as other forms of exercise, it is complemented by numerous health benefits. By adopting specific strategies, such as taking a dominant position and prolonging the duration of sexual activity, individuals can maximize calorie burn during sex. It is essential to prioritize pleasure and intimacy while recognizing the holistic advantages that a healthy sex life brings.