Penis Size - What's The Truth?

22nd May, 2023

Penis Size Chart

It is also true that adult penis size varies considerably from person to person. Just as with any body part, different people will have different penis sizes. We live in a society that pushes the myth that the male with a larger penis has a better sex life than one with a smaller penis. This is constantly noted in sexual jokes, in comments heard on TV, in the movies and in many other places. Well, the truth is that normal penises vary tremendously in size, and sex is just as good for each of these males. You will need to wait a year or two after your overall height has stopped changing to see what final size your penis will be. If at any time during your growth, you are worried that your penis is abnormal, just go to your doctor and ask him or her directly about this. In almost every case, you will be told that it is fine.

This process of normal penis growth can be disturbing to many males. Since the testicles enlarge first (and later followed by the growth of the penis), many young male teens do not notice the testicles growing and worry that they are not changing and that their penis is too small. If you are overweight, fat tissue can hide the penis somewhat and give the impression that the penis is smaller than it really is. Some males in your class may have started their changes of puberty well ahead of you and they may seem like they have an adult-size penis-that can be very upsetting! It is difficult to know how large a penis will be in its erect state, simply by looking at it when not erect (or when flaccid).

The size of your penis is simply determined by factors, called genetic traits, which you inherited from your parents. There is nothing you can do to increase or decrease the size of your penis -- it will develop into its adult size as you change from a boy to a man through the process called puberty. Most boys start the changes of puberty between 10 and 14 years of age, though a few will start earlier or later than these ages. First, the testicles (balls) begin to enlarge and then hair starts to grow around them. The penis then starts to enlarge, first in length and then later in thickness. Though there is much normal variation, the final penis size is reached four to six years after the testicles first start to enlarge.

Body size can affect the penis length. If a person is overweight or obese then the penis looks a lot smaller because it will be surrounded and sometimes almost engulfed by fat. This, in medical terms, is called a concealed penis. There are a number of medical conditions that affect penis size. These are evident at birth and may require medical intervention. Micropenis (just over half an inch) is a condition that may be a genetic or hormonal problem. Webbed penis, concealed penis and trapped penis are all conditions where the penis is of normal size but outwardly small. This can be rectified with surgical help. Very rarely children may be born without a penis, a condition known as penile agenesis but affecting only 1 in 20 million males.

One of the difficulties you may come across in your quest to establish what normal penis size is (flaccid or erect) is that global statistics are not always easy to come by that have been properly scientifically collated. There are a number of internet polls and various survey statistics available but it does not take much imagination to realize that the statistics may well be flawed. Often the results are pooled from 'self-reports' and as this relies on men being absolutely truthful about their penis size there may be a bias towards exaggerated claims. What would you say if called to measure yours? Would you round up the figure rather than down? Flaccid penis size is no indicator of erect penis size. In some men, their penis hardly changes size between flaccid and erect states. Other men may have fairly modest flaccid penis sizes but have a much larger erections. Interestingly it is often flaccid penis size that concerns men the most. Temporary size increase can be achieved through the use of penis pumps but care has to be taken not to be over-enthusiastic.

Normal Penis Size

Disregarding the anatomical aspects of normality, a flaccid penis is as long as 5 cm (1.97 inches) to 10 cm (3.94 inches). The size in the flaccid state doesn't determine the size during erection.

Abnormal Penis Size

There's no universally accepted definition. A flaccid penis shorter than 4 cm (1.57 inches) or an erect penis shorter than 7.5 cm (2.95 inches) must be considered small.

Causes Of Small Penis

Hormonal causes stemming from testicle or hypophysis dysfunction may interfere with the development of the penis as well as the entire male genitalia. Amidst these cases, we may find disorders ranging from micropenis to ambiguous genitalia. The penis may remain small as a consequence of traumas, burns or acquired diseases (Peyronie's disease). Usually, these causes are rare. Most frequently, the patient is not satisfied with his penis size, even if the physician finds no anomaly.

Increase Penis Size

Penis Traction Devices are used to increase penis size. 

Anyway, for those of you still concerned, here are some solid statistics:



Native American(148mm)